India Outreach – Parvathi

In October of last year, we met a woman who had just learned she had cancer.  Parvathi had gone to the dentist with a swollen cheek, thinking it an abscess. It turned out to be a large malignant tumor.

She and her small children live in a hut made of tarps and bamboo and were able to eat only by begging. She certainly had no ability to pay for surgery plus cancer treatment. The hospital and doctor agreed to donate the facility and surgery, but they still needed the anesthesia and chemo and radiation treatment costs.

After prayer, we agreed the Lord wanted Gracethrufaith to cover it. This was all just one year after Jack had passed away—one week after learning he had cancer. I am so happy to help others with cancer—especially on the one year anniversary of losing my Love to the same disease. I’ve learned the best antidote to grief is giving. (It may just be the antidote to everything.)

Parvathi was so amazed at the kindness, she asked why we would help her. And our friend Vilbert, who runs our outreaches in India, told her about Jesus. Who He is, and how He loves her so much, He suffered and died so that she can be with Him. And now He asks His followers to show others His love. Parvathi replied she loves this Jesus who loves her, and she asked to know Him! Her entire family was saved! We are so blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing!

Because of your generosity, we are also able to provide food for them each week. Now her kids don’t need to beg, and it helps us keep in contact with them.

Several months later, after the full course of treatment, the doctors contacted us and said her cancer was not responding to radiation, and it was spreading to her eye and throughout her body as well. Her health deteriorated quickly, and the doctors put her on hospice, saying her time is short and there’s nothing they can do. She’s too weak to undergo any more surgery or treatment. We’ve held prayer and fasting days over her continually since.

I’m heartbroken. But Parvathi isn’t. She said that this Jesus who saved her, whom she loves, will keep her in peace until she dies. That she is so grateful she got to meet Him before dying. She said she’s not scared, and that she knows He will take care of her children. When she explained her situation to her kids, it was with gratitude, not fear or anger. She knew their time apart would be short in light of eternity. She said Jesus suffered and died too, and what a privilege for her to know the same.

Oh, her sweet, sweet faith. I pray for a miracle! A miracle healing of her physical body. I also know that the greatest miracle has already happened. She was dead and is now alive. (Luke 15:32) And no matter what happens next, she wins! The enemy loses. She and her Savior will be together forever, and nothing can take her from His hands.

These stories are far too personal to share on the internet. We’ve never done so before. But Parvathi asked (and keeps on asking) me to post her story and thank everyone here who helped her have more time with her kids and to know Jesus. It’s personal, but also precious, and I’ve been having such a hard time writing it—to do her story justice with my words. I hope that you too are encouraged and touched by her child-like faith. Thank you for being a part of what the Lord is doing through this ministry. We couldn’t do it without you!

A dear friend, when she heard of Parvathi, said she is jealous for this young woman’s faith. Amen!

Now please join me in lifting up Parvathi, her children, and her family in prayer. That our God, Who is faithful, Who began a good work in her, will carry it on to completion. Amen and amen.

You can see the update to Parvathi’s story here